Friday, June 15, 2012


First of all -- Thanks for stopping by my new blog! Blogging is no fun without plenty of people to stop by, read, comment and create a sense of community. So, thank you to all of you.

Second -- A little about me: I'm new to comic books. I've just started into reading them this year and now I have absolutely no idea how I lived thirty years without them! My wonderful boyfriend, David, is a huge Green Lantern fan and he got me started with comics. They were just lining the shelves daring me to read them and now I can't stop!

And here's a picture of David in a homemade Sinestro costume:

Third -- About this blog: This blog is from the perspective of a comic book newbie. I'm starting out. I don't know thirty years of comic book history. Comic book history is interesting to me, but all of my reviews will be from the perspective of a newbie who is just starting to learn about the comic book universes. I welcome discussions from comic book veterans, but I won't always have the answers!

Right now I'm really into DC's New 52. I know some people are irritated by the reboot, but I think DC did the reboot for people exactly like me: People who want to get into comics but can't find a place to start without it all being too confusing.

Right now I am reading:

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to comic books! I read mostly X-Men/Wolverine, Daredevil and Green Lantern, but I'm looking forward to your review of 52. I've never read this series, so I'm a newbie for it, too.
